being frugal

Posted by John on Saturday, 18 May

being frugal image Know what said Danny Pogue. Theres a Jake Harp Cadillac in Boca Raton where I swiped a bunch of tape decks once. Is that the same guy This golfer Bud Schwartz said, I got no earthly idea. What was all this crap the TV guy being frugal was yakking about career earnings, number smoke eaters san jose Top Ten finishes, average strokes per round, percentage of greens hit in regulation. To Bud Schwartz, golf was as foreign as polo. Except you didnt see so many fat guys playing polo. The main thing is, did they catch being frugal the shooter Nuh-huh. Danny Pogue had his nose to the tube. They irish potatoes he got away in a boat. No arrests, no motives is what they said. Bud Schwartz was trying to picture Lou from Queens at the helm of a speedboat, racing for the oceans being frugal horizon. Hes gonna be pissed, Danny Pogue said. Yeah, well, I dont guess his boss up North is giant stingray be too damn thrilled, either. Whackin the wrong man. He aint dead yet. Serious but stable is what they said. Bud Schwartz said it didnt really matter. being frugal Point is, its still a fuckup. A major major fuckup. The Mafia had gunned down a life member of the Professional Golfers Association. smoke eaters san jose Luz finally emerged from the storage room, where he had been measuri.

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