
Posted by John on Sunday, 19 May

lemurs image Gently she said, I dont know that theyre actually killing the snakes. The radio said something about capture teams. No, unh-uh, I just saw on the TV. A man from the Amazing Kingdom said they were killing the ones they couldnt catch. Especially the preggy lemurs ones. He meant pregnant. Its that cassie bernall asshole, pardon my French. Molly McNamara capped her fountain pen and turned the chair toward Danny Pogue. She told him she understood how he felt. But weve got to choose our battles carefully, she said, if we hope to lemurs get the public on our side. So So theres not much sympathy barnabas poisonous snakes. Danny Pogue looked discouraged. Molly said, Im sorry, Danny, but its true. Nobodys going to care if they use flamethrowers, as long as they get rid of the cottonmouths. lemurs But it aint right. Molly patted his knee. Theres plenty of snakes out there. Not like the mango sidd finch where there were only two left in the entire world. With those words she could have hammered an icepick into Danny Pogues heart. Morosely he bowed his lemurs head. As his environmental consciousness had been awakened, the vole theft had begun to weigh like a bleak ballast on his soul; hed come cassie bernall feel personally responsible for the extinction of the voles, and had inwardly promised to avenge his crime. He said to Molly: lemurs Whats that word you used before atome Atone, Danny. A-t-o-n-e. It means making amends. Yeah, well, thats me. Molly smiled and removed her reading glasses. Dont worry, weve sidd finch made mistakes in our lives. Weve all committed errors of judgment. Like when you shot lemurs me and Bud. Before you got to know us better. No, Danny, that wasnt a mist.