
Posted by John on Monday, 29 April

torchmate image Oh, Garcia said. Is it on Well, yes. Can I see it Ricky Bloodworth handed the miniature recorder to Garcia. Quite a little gadget, the detective said. You keep the First Amendment in here, do you Very funny. Bloodworths bluish mouth opened in a round torchmate ratlike smile, all incisors. Garcia set dla piper layoffs Pearlcorder flat on the desktop, its tiny reels still spinning. He reached into his holster and took out his Smith and Wesson service revolver. What are you going to do Bloodworth asked. Watch. With the butt of the pistol, torchmate Garcia pounded the Sony to tiny pieces. He gave the pieces back napa auto parts Bloodworth, along with a tangle of brown ribbon. Dont ever tape me again, Garcia said, not without asking. Bloodworth stared in disbelief at the expensive Japanese debris. Whats the matter with you he torchmate cried. Everybody uses tape recorders. Its just a tool, for Gods sake ... for accuracy ... to make dla piper layoffs a better reporter. Brain surgery wouldnt make you a better reporter, Garcia said. Now get out of here before I have you strip-searched. So much for cooperating torchmate with the press. This is ... an outrage, Bloodworth stammered. Simply inconceivable, Garcia agreed. For half an hour Bloodworth sat on the steps of dla piper layoffs police station and morosely flipped through his notebook. Garcia had given him practically nothing, not one damn usable quote. It had torchmate been a dry week, too, newswise. Until last night, Las Noches had been quiet: no more kidnappings or murders to goose the story back to page one. Bloodworth was getting nick stefanov He wondered if Cab Mulcahy would let him do a column about Al Garcia and torchmate the bumbling Fuego One Task Force. He wondered what Garcias boss would say if he found out about the tape-recorder incident. A local TV crew marched up the steps, around Bloodworth, into police headquarter.