underhill vermont

Posted by John on Wednesday, 8 May

underhill vermont image I only tell you what Ive absolutely got to tell you. Which is precious damned little. Thats the way it should be, Chelsea said lifelessly. Right! Loose dicks sink ships. Or whatever. Kingsbury slurped at the gin like a thirsty mutt. Anyhow, dont worry about underhill vermont me. Im taking well, lets just wreg memphis the necessary precautions. You can be goddamn sure. Thats wise of you. Meanwhile, sharpen your pencil. I ordered us more animals. Kingsbury wistfully studied his drink. Whos the guy in the Bible, the one with the ark. Was it underhill vermont Moses Noah, Chelsea said. Boy, was the old man smashed. Yeah, Noah, wreg memphis who I feel like. Me and these fucking critters. Anyhow, were back in the endangered-species business, saving the animals. There oughta be some publicity when they get here. You see to it. The underhill vermont woman named Rachel Lark had phoned all the way from New Zealand. She said shed done her best creative reactions shoes such short notice, and said Kingsbury would be pleased when he saw the new attractions for the Rare Animal Pavilion. I hope so, hed told her, because underhill vermont we could damn sure use some good news. Fearing the worst, Charles Chelsea said, What kind of animals are we talking about Cute is lemurs I ordered. Thirty-seven hundred dollars worth of cute. Kingsbury snorted. Could be anything. The point is, weve got to rebound, Charlie. underhill vermont We got a fucking void to fill. Right. Speaking of which, we also need another golfer. In case Jake croaks, God forbid. Chelsea recoiled at the cold-bloodedness of the assignment. wreg memphis wont look good, sir, not with what happened this morning. Its best if we stick underhill vermont by Jake. Sympathys all fi.

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