
Posted by John on Friday, 3 May

varlamov image Told him he didnt have a chance. Told him to plead guilty or they were going to charbroil him. Ernesto wanted to fight the charges but Klein told him to quit while he was ahead. Ernesto was going nuts in jail, all the queers chasing varlamov him. He had that incredible tattoo susan sullivan his joint. The one I told you about. Fidel Castro. Yeah, Keyes said. Well, some maniac tried to bite it off one night in the shower. Thought if he chomped off Ernestos dick, it would kill the real Fidel varlamov in Havana. Witchcraft, he said. Somehow Ernesto got away from the guy, susan sullivan he was scared out of his mind. He said hed do anything to get out of jail. So when Klein told him hed better plan on twenty-five to life, I guess Ernesto figured varlamov he was better off dead. But Brian Why didnt that cocksucker Klein talk to me before he act test over to the jail That case wasnt locked, no way. You know Im right, Al. All I know, the detective said, is that well never know. You varlamov gotta calm down, brother. Keyes closed his eyes. Maybe Im just mad at myself. I should have told Klein about El Fuego as soon channing tatum I saw the second letter. But how was I to know the sonofabitch was in such a hurry to dump the varlamov case Whoever heard .