
Posted by John on Saturday, 18 May

bananagram image Two other persons the chanters, it turned out sat with legs outstretched in a curved trench that had been dug in the lawn and filled with water. The man in the trench was cloaked in dingy bed linens, while the woman wore a formal white bananagram gown with lacy pointed shoulders. The www.ceridian was of indeterminate age, though both had pale skin and wet hair. Bernard Squires noticed V-shaped wakes pushing here and there in the water; animals of some kind, swimming ... Turtles Squires edged closer. Soon he realized he bananagram was witness to an eccentric religious rite. The couple in the trench www.ceridian to join arms and spout gibberish while scores of grape-sized reptile heads bobbed around them. (Squires recalled a cable-television documentary about a snake-handling cult in Kentucky perhaps this was a breakaway sect of bananagram turtle worshipers!) Interestingly, the dark-haired man in coveralls took no part in the moat-wallowing ceremony. Rather, he intermittently www.ceridian from the Madonna statue to gaze upon the two chanters with what appeared to Bernard Squires as unmasked disapproval. Kiiikkkeeeaay kakkooo kattttkin! the couple bayed, sending such bananagram an icy jet down Squires spin.